Extended Access GP and Nurse Hub Appointments

As part of Harness South Primary Care Network, patients at Roundwood Park Medical Centre also have access  several GP & Nurse Hubs that provide care for our patients including evening and weekend appointments.

  • GP services: Available (both face to face appointments and telephone consultations). All Acute GP services, long term conditions, Chronic reviews, Medication Reviews
  • Nursing Service: Asthma Review, Child Immunisations, Smears, Spirometry, Pneumovax, shingles
  • Health Care Assistant: NHS Health Check, Bloods, Diabetic Review, ECG, blood pressure monitoring, Immunisations, SMI
  • Clinical Pharmacist: Medication Review, Asthma and Diabetic Reviews

Appointments are available in the evening and at weekends – please call the practice to be directed or email harness.enhancedaccess@nhs.net to book an out of hours’ appointment with one of our local linked practices. Alternatively, please visit 111 online or call 111 to be directed to the help you need.

If it’s not urgent you can also use the online consultation form on the practice website, which will be responded to during normal practice opening hours.

The evening and weekend appointments may take place by phone, video, or face-to-face depending on clinical need.

Wembley Hub

Wembley Centre for Health and Care
Ground Floor
116 Chaplin Road

Central Middlesex Hub

Park Royal Medical Practice
Acton Lane,
NW10 7NS